
Brand Source

At the end of March 2010, the mother's interrupted by a phone a foreign students abroad dream, father seriously ill in bed, the enterprise needs to have a suitable successor, the incumbent general manager Mr Hu Xinhua too late to pack is straight to the airport, back to home, have never thought his father saw him the first sentence is: "companies will continue to do good, take good care of our old staff, they are your benefactor, no they didn't you read so many books." Bamboo good luck so gone, Hu Xinhua stepped onto a slippery slope, immediately the first thing is to establish the company's future with independent brand as the core management idea, registered the bamboo trademark, good luck and trademark permission the following year. After the development of "environmental protection" and "good luck culture" is clarified, the development pattern of the bamboo lucky brand is fully arranged.

Bamboo luck brings consumers is not only the experience of bamboo culture, is more of it in the product design concept on the bold breakthrough, use the fashion design to fusion of classical culture, make the product having a unique style in the design, make the once considered successful collection culture to gain mass experience, the mysteries of the art collection, make product "civilian" meanwhile "art".